CONNECT Retirement calculator

Start by simply clicking the purchase price box, the calculator will update itself. Change the default values and tab to the next box.

Portfolio Summary

Portfolio Value

Rental Income

Investment Details

Total amount required to invest

Number of properties you can start with, with Downpayment 20%

Remaining amount to invest later

Your annual cash contribution

Number of years to Retirement

Retirement Annual Income Goal

Investment Assumptions

Note: Assuming Inflation rate 2%, Property Tax 0.8%

Investment Plan

For: John Lord

Investment Details
Investment Assumptions

Portfolio Summary

Step-by-Step Investment Plan

Initial Investment

Purchase Property 1 for $360,000. Investment required: $70,000

Purchase Property 2 for $360,000. Investment required: $70,000

Total investment required: $140,000

Annual lump sum required: $1,200

Year 6


Year 8


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